Nepal Postal code
Nepal Postal code:-
Nepal Postcode also know Nepal zip code, Nepal postal code system was developed by GPO Nepal post to identify the graphical area and locate places in Nepal, well established postal system in the Nepal and they have used 5digit postal format of XXXXX, The first three digits represent the district. and the last two digit represent the post office location. The postal code system was implemented in November 1991 by the Department of Posts(GPO).
There are total 950+ Post Code in Nepal
Example of Postal code format used in Nepal
XXXXX example - Baitadi 10201, where 10 is the baitadi code and last three digit 201 Kesharpur post office code.
Nepal addess format postal code.
Mr. Hari Prasad
102, Mitery Marg
Kathmandu 44601
1. What is Nepali postal codes?
Nepali postal code is a 5-digit postal code system. for example - 10201
2. does Nepal have zip code?
Nepal zip code is similar to postal code in Nepal.
3. How many postal code in Nepal
In Nepal, there are more than 950+ Postal code
Mr. Hari Prasad
102, Mitery Marg
Kathmandu 44601

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 918 Postal Code In Nepal
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 30.9Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Kathmandu
- Dialing Code :-977