Latvia Postal code
Latvia Postal Codes
LV-NNNN is the format for Latvian postal codes, which are four digit numeric and include the obligatory ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (LV) at the beginning, i.e. the format is "LV-NNNN."
What is Latvia address format?
Andris Lapa
Jelgavas Iela 1-12
Aizputes Nov.
Lv-3456 - Latvia
What is Latvia Zipcode Format?

Useful Information:-
- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 752 Postal Code In Latvia
- Postal Code Type :- 6-digit(alphanumeric)
- Toal Population :- 1.8Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Riga
- Dialing Code :-371