Akita Ken Postal code
Akita-ken is a prefecture of Japan that is in the Thoku region of the island of Honshu. It has a population of about 966,000 people as of October 2019. Its land area is 11,637 km2. People in Akita Prefecture live near Aomori Prefecture to the north, Iwate Prefecture to the east, Miyagi Prefecture to the south, and Yamagata Prefecture to the west. There is a prefecture called Akita in Japan. Akita is the capital city and the most important city. Yokote, Daisen, and Yurihonj are three other big cities. Akita Prefecture is on the coast of the Sea of Japan. It goes east to the u Mountains, the longest mountain range in Japan, at the border with Iwate Prefecture, which is on the other side. This means that Akita Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture were the two parts of the Dewa Province that used to be in Japan.
Tanaka Yuki
3Rd Floor Rm. B, Hakusan
010-0000 Akita Shi
Akita Ken Japan