Haiti Postal code
Haiti Postal Code / Haiti Zipcode
In Haiti, The postal code system is known as the Code Postal d'Haiti (CPH). the postal code system consists of a four-digit code. Postal codes are used to facilitate the sorting and delivery of mail within the country. The first digits represent the department (administrative division) second digit represent district area where the address is located. The last two digits specify the specific delivery area or municipality within the department.
Range of Postal code in Haiti
Artibonite (Gonaives) 4110-4530
Centre (Hinche) 5110-5420
Grand'Anse (Jeremie) 7110-7340
Nippes (Miragoane) 7410-7540
Nord (Cap-Haitien) 1110-1723
Nord-Est (Fort-Liberte) 2110-2431
Nord-Ouest (Port-De-Paix) 3110-3340
Ouest (Port-Au-Prince) 6110-6520
Sud (Les Cayes) 8110-8531
Sud-Est (Jacmel) 9110-9341
Haiti's postal service is operated by the Office des Postes d'Haïti (OPH), which is the national postal administration. The OPH provides various mail and parcel services within the country and also offers international mail services.
1. What is range of Haiti Postal code?
Postal Code allocated to Haiti 1110 to 9341
2. What is Port-au-Prince postal code?
Port-au-Prince Postal code is HT6110
Monsieur Roland REMY
Rue Samba 1

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 230 Postal Code In Haiti
- Postal Code Type :- 6-digit(alphanumeric)
- Toal Population :- 11.7Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Port-au-Prince
- Dialing Code :-509