Tbilisi Zip code
Tbilisi Postal Code / Tbilisi Zipcode
Tbilisi is the is the capital and the largest city of Georgia, lying on the banks of the Kura River. The Tbilisi Georgia postal code, also known as the zip code Georgia Tbilisi ranges between 0100 to 0198. Each postal code is assigned to particular areas. first two digit represent the region and last two digit represent the town area.
FAQs on postal code for Tbilisi
1. What is the zip code for Gldani Tbilisi?
0107 and 0167 is Gldani Tbilisi zipcode
2. What is the postal code for Kostava Tbilisi?
Kostava Tbilisi postal code is 0108, 0171, 0179 and 0181.
3. What is the postal code for Tbilisi manglisi?
Tbilisi manglisi postal code is 0101.
4. What is the postal code for Tbilisi Lagodekhi?
Tbilisi lagodekhi postal code is 0103.
5. What is the postal code for vazha pshavela ?
vazha pshavela postal code is 0105, 0160, 0177, and 0181.
Zviad Kikvadze
14 Rustaveli Avenue
Station Square 100
Tbilisi Georgia