Chile Zip code
Chile codigo postal / Chile Postal Code
Chile codigo postal also known as chile postal code, Chile Postal code system was developed by Correos de Chile for delivery the parcel within the chile.
The postal codes in Chile consist of 7 digits, for Example : 872 0019 The first three digits represent the postal distribution area ("Sector"), usually a commune. The last four digits represent a block face.
Chile postal codes are numbered from 1000000 to 9810000 and 347 total postal code commune in chile.
Address Format of Chile
Chile postal codes consist of 7-digits, and are written after the name of the city, suburb, or town, and the state.
Sr. Rodrigo DomiNguez
Av. Bellavista N&Deg; 185
Dep. 609
8420507 Recoleta
Region Metropolitana
1. What is my postal code of Chile?
Chile postal code is consist of 7-digit and Range of postal code of chile is 1000000 to 9810000.
2. What is area code of Chile?
Area code of Chile is +56
3. How to find current postal code in Chile?
Use of our app to find current postal code of Chile Mobile App
4. How many digits are in a Chile postal code?
There are 7-digit postal code used in Chile.
5. What is the codigo postal santiago?
There are total 32 codigo postal in santiago. Range of codigo postal is 7500000 to 9250000.
Sr. Rodrigo DomÍNguez
Av. Bellavista N&Deg; 185
Dep. 609
8420507 Recoleta
Region Metropolitana

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 53 Postal Code In Chile
- Postal Code Type :- 7-digit
- Toal Population :- 19.6Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Santiago (official) / Valparaíso (legislative)
- Dialing Code :-56