Para Postal code

66000-000 - Belem
67000-000 - Ananindeua
67200-000 - Marituba
68000-000 - Santarem
68130-000 - Prainha
68138-000 - Placas
68140-000 - Uruara
68143-000 - Belterra
68145-000 - Medicilandia
68148-000 - Brasil Novo
68150-000 - Aveiro
68165-000 - Ruropolis
68170-000 - Juruti
68180-000 - Itaituba
68193-000 - Novo Progresso
68195-000 - Jacareacanga
68198-000 - Trairao
68200-000 - Alenquer
68210-000 - Curua
68220-000 - Monte Alegre
68230-000 - Almeirim
68250-000 - obidos
68270-000 - Oriximina
68280-000 - Faro
68285-000 - Terra Santa
68300-000 - Gurupa
68330-000 - Porto de Moz
68360-000 - Senador Jose Porfirio
68365-000 - Anapu
68370-000 - Altamira
68380-000 - Sao Felix do Xingu
68383-000 - Vitoria do Xingu
68385-000 - Tucuma
68388-000 - Bannach
68390-000 - Ourilandia do Norte
68398-000 - Cumaru do Norte
68400-000 - Cameta
68415-000 - Limoeiro do Ajuru
68420-000 - Mocajuba
68430-000 - Igarape-Miri
68440-000 - Abaetetuba
68445-000 - Barcarena
68450-000 - Moju
68455-000 - Tucurui
68465-000 - Baiao
68470-000 - Oeiras do Para
68473-000 - Novo Repartimento
68475-000 - Bagre
68480-000 - Portel
68485-000 - Pacaja
68488-000 - Breu Branco
68490-000 - Melgaco
68500-000 - Maraba
68515-000 - Parauapebas
68518-000 - Sao Joao do Araguaia
68520-000 - Sao Domingos do Araguaia
68521-000 - Brejo Grande do Araguaia
68523-000 - Curionopolis
68524-000 - Eldorado dos Carajas
68525-000 - Bom Jesus do Tocantins
68527-000 - Abel Figueiredo
68530-000 - Rio Maria
68533-000 - agua Azul do Norte
68535-000 - Palestina do Para
68537-000 - Canaa dos Carajas
68540-000 - Conceicao do Araguaia
68543-000 - Floresta do Araguaia
68545-000 - Pau dArco
68548-000 - Sapucaia
68550-000 - Redencao
68555-000 - Xinguara
68560-000 - Santana do Araguaia
68565-000 - Santa Maria das Barreiras
68570-000 - Sao Geraldo do Araguaia
68575-000 - Picarra
68580-000 - Itupiranga
68585-000 - Nova Ipixuna
68590-000 - Jacunda
68600-000 - Braganca
68610-000 - Augusto Correa
68617-000 - Cachoeira do Piria
68618-000 - Nova Esperanca do Piria
68620-000 - Viseu
68625-000 - Paragominas
68632-000 - Ulianopolis
68633-000 - Dom Eliseu
68635-000 - Sao Domingos do Capim
68637-000 - Ipixuna do Para
68638-000 - Rondon do Para
68639-000 - Goianesia do Para
68640-000 - Ourem
68644-000 - Santa Luzia do Para
68645-000 - Bonito
68647-000 - Tracuateua
68650-000 - Capitao Poco
68655-000 - Irituia
68658-000 - Aurora do Para
68660-000 - Sao Miguel do Guama
68665-000 - Garrafao do Norte
68670-000 - Bujaru
68675-000 - Mae do Rio
68680-000 - Tome-Acu
68685-000 - Concordia do Para
68690-000 - Acara
68695-000 - Tailandia
68700-000 - Capanema
68707-000 - Primavera
68709-000 - Quatipuru
68710-000 - Maracana
68719-000 - Sao Joao de Pirabas
68720-000 - Santarem Novo
68721-000 - Salinopolis
68722-000 - Magalhaes Barata
68725-000 - Igarape-Acu
68730-000 - Nova Timboteua
68734-000 - Peixe-Boi
68738-000 - Santa Maria do Para
68740-000 - Castanhal
68748-000 - Sao Francisco do Para
68750-000 - Curuca
68760-000 - Marapanim
68770-000 - Inhangapi
68773-000 - Terra Alta
68774-000 - Sao Joao da Ponta
68775-000 - Sao Caetano de Odivelas
68780-000 - Vigia
68785-000 - Colares
68786-000 - Santo Antonio do Taua
68790-000 - Santa Isabel do Para
68795-000 - Benevides
68798-000 - Santa Barbara do Para
68800-000 - Breves
68810-000 - Anajas
68815-000 - Curralinho
68820-000 - Sao Sebastiao da Boa Vista
68825-000 - Muana
68830-000 - Ponta de Pedras
68840-000 - Cachoeira do Arari
68850-000 - Santa Cruz do Arari
68860-000 - Salvaterra
68870-000 - Soure
68880-000 - Chaves
68890-000 - Afua

Para Postal code

Para postal code is also know as Para CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Para Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Para postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.

There are total 143 Postal code in Para Brazil. for example postal code of Para 68440-000, where 68 is Para postal region code and 440 is Abaetetuba code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.


1. How many digits are there in a Para Brazil postal codes?
Para Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.

2. What is the postal code for Viseu, Para?
Viseu, Para postal code is 68620-000.

3. What is the postal code for Vitoria do Xingu, Para?
Vitoria do Xingu, Para postal code is 68383-000.

About Para

Para is a state in Brazil. It is in the north of the country and is crossed by the lower Amazon River. Amapa, Maranho, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Amazonas, and Roraima are some of the states it borders in Brazil. To the northwest, the borders of Guyana and Suriname can be seen. To the northeast of Para, the Atlantic Ocean can be seen, as well. City: The capital and largest city is Belem, which is at the mouth of a river. If you live in this state, you make up 4.1 percent of the countrys population, but you only make up 2.2 percent of the GDP. Most people live in the state of Para, which has more than 8.6 million people. It is the ninth most populous state in Brazil. There are 1.2 million square kilometres (460,000 square miles) of land in the state. It is the second-largest state in Brazil in terms of land area. It is best known for the Amazon River and the Amazon Rainforest, which are two of its most well-known things. People in the state of Para make rubber from trees that grow in natural rubber groves. They also grow cassava, acai fruit, cocoa, black pepper, coconut, banana, tropical hardwoods like mahogany, and minerals like iron ore and bauxite. Soy, which is grown in the region of Santarem, is a new food crop that can be sold. People from all over the world come to Belem every October to see the most important religious event of the year: the procession of the Crio de Nazare. Another great thing about the capital is the Marajo-style ceramics, which are based on a long-gone culture that lived on an island in the Amazon River. People in the Tupi language call the state para, which means ""sea,"" but it can also be used to talk about big rivers. Para River is one of the rivers that flow into Amazon River. The state was named after this river, which is called Para.

What is Para Address Format?

Lucas Oliveira
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31

What is Para Zipcode Format?
Para Brazil Postal code format