Azuay Postal code

10101 - Bellavista
10102 - Canaribamba
10103 - El Batan
10104 - El Sagrario
10105 - El Vecino
10106 - Gil Ramirez Davalos
10107 - Huaynacapac
10108 - Machangara
10109 - Monay
10110 - San Blas
10111 - San Sebastian
10112 - Sucre
10113 - Totoracocha
10114 - Yanuncay
10115 - Hermano Miguel
10150 - Cuenca
10151 - Banos
10152 - Cumbe
10153 - Chaucha
10154 - Checa (Jidcay)
10155 - Chiquintad
10156 - Llacao
10157 - Molleturo
10158 - Nulti
10159 - Octavio Cordero Palacios (Santa Rosa)
10160 - Paccha
10161 - Quingeo
10162 - Ricaurte
10163 - San Joaquin
10164 - Santa Ana
10165 - Sayausi
10166 - Sidcay
10167 - Sinincay
10168 - Tarqui
10169 - Turi
10170 - Valle
10171 - Victoria Del Portete (Irquis)
10250 - Giron
10251 - Asuncion
10350 - Gualaceo
10351 - Chordeleg
10352 - Daniel Cordova Toral (El Oriente)
10353 - Jadan
10354 - Mariano Moreno
10355 - Principal
10356 - Remigio Crespo Toral (Gulag)
10357 - San Juan
10358 - Zhidmad
10359 - Luis Cordero Vega
10360 - Simon Bolivar (Cab. In Gananzol)
10450 - Nabon
10451 - Cochapata
10452 - El Progreso (Cab.En Zhota)
10453 - Las Nieves (Chaya)
10454 - Ona
10550 - Paute
10551 - Amaluza
10552 - Bulan (Jose Victor Izquierdo)
10553 - Chican (Guillermo Ortega)
10554 - El Cabo
10555 - Guachapala
10556 - Guarainag
10557 - Palmas
10558 - Pan
10559 - San Cristobal (Carlos Ordonez Lazo)
10560 - Sevilla De Oro
10561 - Tomebamba
10562 - Dug Dug
10650 - Pucara
10651 - Camilo Ponce Enriquez
10652 - San Rafael De Sharug
10750 - San Fernando
10751 - Chumblin
10850 - Santa Isabel (Chaguarurco)
10851 - Abdon Calderon (La Union)
10852 - El Carmen De Pijili
10853 - Zhaglli (Shaglli)
10854 - San Salvador De Canaribamba
10950 - Sigsig
10951 - Cuchil (Cutchil)
10952 - Gima
10953 - Guel
10954 - Ludo
10955 - San Bartolome
10956 - San Jose De Raranga
11050 - San Felipe De Ona Cabecera Cantonal
11051 - Susudel
11150 - Chordeleg
11151 - Principal
11152 - La Union
11153 - Luis Galarza Orellana (Cab.En Delegsol)
11154 - San Martin De Puzhio
11250 - El Pan
11251 - Amaluza
11252 - Palmas
11253 - San Vicente
11350 - Sevilla De Oro
11351 - Amaluza
11352 - Palmas
11450 - Guachapala
11550 - Camilo Ponce Enriquez
11551 - El Carmen De Pijili

About Azuay

People in Ecuador live in the province of Azuay, which was formed on June 25, 1824. Azuay is a province of Ecuador. Because it is so big, it covers an area of 8,309.58 square miles (3,208.35 sq mi). It has a capital city called Cuenca, which is where most people live. South of Ecuador, it is in the highlands, and in the middle of the country. There is a national park called El Cajas that has mountains that are 4,500 m (14,800 ft) above sea level in them. People who live in Azuay are on the Panamerican Highway. Cuenca is connected to Quito and Guayaquil by flights from the country. A hydroelectric plant on the river Paute makes a lot of electricity for the country and is the largest in the country.

Azuay Ecuador Address Format

Juan Carlos Prez
12 De Noviembre 468
11551 - El Carmen De Pijili

Azuay Ecuador Postal code format
Azuay Ecuador Postal code format